
This blog has a pagination of 6 posts per page.
The pagination is only shown if there are more posts (14) than items per page (6).

Demo pages

As of version 2.0, the demos featured here are all directly built in the starter.

Open Graph images

When you share your blog posts, a thumbnail image might appear. This starter generates these images for your blog posts automatically.

Post with all the markdown

A lot of markdown packages are installed to help you write your posts. All presets are personal preference.

Post with a video

This starter uses Justin Ribeiro's lite-youtube web component. Add youtube: true to frontmatter to activate.

Post with an image

Eleventy's own build-time image transformations. Find more info and edit settings in config-folder.

Post with some code

Syntax Highlighting is achieved by a pack of Eleventy plugins. No browser/client JavaScript, highlight transformations are all done at build-time.