
This blog has a pagination of 6 posts per page.
The pagination is only shown if there are more posts (14) than items per page (6).

Learned an interesting fact today

Useless trivia. Ants are interesting. They amputate others limbs so they can live. Turns out most survive and continue working in the nest.

Eleventy Excellent 3.0

It's been a few months, and I have decided to change things again, which probably makes the starter even more opinionated. 🤷 Eleventy Excellent 3.0 now uses ESM, has a new config structure and uses web components.

The Game Show

I was ten and on a game show. Read below for my exciting adventure.

Eleventy Excellent 2.0

I created this starter after I saw Andy’s talk and studied the source code for I quickly came to the conclusion that this is the way I want to build all my websites from now on! It's so great. I know many of you feel the same way.'

Post with a gallery

A gallery with good old "popup" functionality inside a dialog element, a new image shortcode that links directly to the image with its original dimensions, and a regular loop over images.

What is Tailwind CSS doing here?

We are using Tailwinds "engine" to generate utility classes on demand, based on our design tokens.