
This blog has a pagination of 8 posts per page.
The pagination is only shown if there are more posts (14) than items per page (8).

Open Graph images

image feature

When you share your blog posts, a thumbnail image might appear. This starter generates these images for your blog posts automatically.

Post with all the markdown

markdown feature

A lot of markdown packages are installed to help you write your posts. All presets are personal preference.

Post with a video

youtube feature

This starter uses Justin Ribeiro's lite-youtube web component. Add youtube: true to frontmatter to activate.

Post with some code

syntax highlighting feature

Syntax Highlighting is achieved by a pack of Eleventy plugins. No browser/client JavaScript, highlight transformations are all done at build-time.

Post with 301 redirects

redirects feature

A 301 is used when a page has permanently changed location. Informing about this change is indispensable if you want to keep a positioning. Aleksandr Hovhannisyan came up with an elegant solution for Eleventy and Netlify.

Post with fetched content

fetch feature

Eleventy Fetch fetches and caches resources - at configurable intervals. In this example I am fetching my public repositories with a cache duration of 1 day.